Sanctioned CEC’s: NFPT 0.4 Petition can be submitted to other certifying authorities for independently requested CEC recognition.
This four hour workshop takes students through the basics of coaching and spotting the “Bench Press”. Traditionally the Bench Press was used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts as the staple of building a big, strong chest. Over the years, as a result of many studies and fitness innovations, we have learned that performing the chest press in different planes and surfaces actually increases the limited functionality of the traditional “Bench Press” During this workshop we examine the traditional “Bench Press” and master it’s performance and spotting techniques while also learning different alternatives and combinations to target the Pertoralis Major, Minor, and all secondary movers involved.
All students will be able to:
Identify correct -vs- incorrect form on the traditional bench press
Describe the anatomy of the bench press
Coach a new or veteran client on the proper recommended performance of the bench press
Use variation in rep range tempo to elicit specific adaptations
Understand the different angles and positions that affect the functional aspect of pressing
This is a four hour active participation with very little theoretical components. Class begins and ends on the gym floor where all participants individually practice performing and spotting the chest press in six different positions and surfaces under expert supervision offered by one of our NFPT Master Trainers and Instructors.
Price : 249.99
Enrollment Terms: All enrollments are final. Registrants have a maximum of one year from enrollment to complete course. A $25.00 re-scheduling and attendance fee will apply.
Payment Plan Option: Students may enroll with a 50% deposit with the balance due upon registration on day of class.
Form of Payment: Cash, Money Order, Visa, Master Card, American Express